Simultaneous measurements of soil moisture profiles and water table heads, along a flow path, were used to determine evapotranspiration\r\n(ET) along with other components of the water budget. The study was conducted at a small-scale (~0.8Km2) hydrologic\r\nmonitoring field site in Hillsborough County, Florida, from January 2002 to June 2004. Frequency Domain Reflectometry soil\r\nmoisture probes, installed in close proximity to water table monitoring wells were used to derive changes in the soil water storage.\r\nA one-dimensional transect model was developed; changes in the soil water storage and water table observations served as input to\r\ndetermine all vertical and lateral boundary fluxes along the shallow water table flow plane. Two distinct land cover environments,\r\ngrassland and an alluvial wetland forest, were investigated in this particular study. The analysis provided temporally variable ET\r\nestimates for the two land covers with annual totals averaging 850mm for grassland, to 1100mm for the alluvial wetland forest.\r\nQuantitative estimates of other components of a water budget, for example, infiltration, interception capture, total rainfall excess,\r\nand runoff were also made on a quarterly and annual basis. Novelty of this approach includes ability to resolve ET components\r\nand other water budget fluxes that provide useful parameterization and calibration potential for predictive simulation models